"My grace is enough, it's all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness." 2 Corinthians 12: 9 & 10

Friday, June 21, 2013

CR @ SHBC Team to Ghana!!

Four from Southern Hills Baptist, Tulsa, OK will travel to Ghana 7/11/13 to 7/19/13 to train those at Maranatha Power Ministries to take their participants through the steps of Celebrate Recovery!  Please pray for all details of the trip to fall in place and for each of those who are traveling to be healthy, rested and prepared!  

Many thanks to the Celebrate Recovery at Southern Hills Baptist, Tulsa, OK who collected an offering for CR Bibles, materials, etc., where approximately $3,000 has been received!  We will be able to take CR Bibles, Participant Guides, Life's Healing Choices, shirts and more!  

Please pray for these who will be traveling to Ghana and doing the training:  Norma & Steve Murphy, Cyndi Pulchny Clark and Vicki Thompson!  Pray that all plans to train and materials needed will be prepared and ready to take with us, that we will be prepared to go, spiritually and physically, and pray that as we share from our own personal experience that all our lives will continue to be transformed through the power of Jesus Christ!  

UPDATE on CR in Ghana, West Africa...

Members from Maranatha Power Ministries have just completed their first year of the Celebrate Recovery Main Event Night!  They have now gone through all 25 of the lessons of the Celebrate Recovery curriculum and have asked that a team returns to train them in how to lead a step study!  

Please pray for this Celebrate Recovery:  for all those who attend and those in leadership!  The team has asked for more CR Bibles, Life's Healing Choices, Participant Guides, CR shirts and for money to fund Cafe Recovery on Sunday from 4-6:30pm.  Please lift up these brothers and sisters in Christ!!